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Requests Oriana Blaze

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all 34 vidz (mostly 4k) I managed to grab from her previous account

Secondary BU
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1 Comment
Chessmate commented
Doesn’t work on my browser… someone know what is going on?
These three dont seem to appear in any of the backups in this thread.

My YouTube graveyard is at 30,000 videos. She didnt use name in a lot so I have to go through a bunch of videos that never gained traction to find more Oriana videos.

These are two examples they arent that bad videos but they never really gained interest and clog up my YT graveyard for the popular channels. That people want to see the deleted videos of.
aaron213 commented
The last one isn't her. Great vid, though. Thank you!
draje1 commented
There were words in the post.

"These are two examples they arent that bad videos but they never really gained interest and clog up my YT graveyard for the popular channels. That people want to see the deleted videos of."

I was providing examples of videos that clog up my hard drive when looking for the Oriana Blaze videos. I have to go through thousands of videos. In the future I will keep off topic videos away from threads to not confuse anyone. I apologize. Last one was just an example of the people that change uncensored that never got popular.
ElmerDS commented
:BOOBA:30,000! holy Yoda, master of all YT jedis!
draje1 commented
Yea. When you save the unpopular channels it adds up. One of the issues I came across with this forum is there isnt a livestream thread. A lot of these porn channels did livestreams and there just wasnt really a place to put it. Those videos got lost in the purge of accounts. Oriana wasn't one of them but others did it.