Requests - Anna Andreea | Page 2 | Social Media Girls

Requests Anna Andreea

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anonimus2323 commented

Do you have the sets? Or are you assuming based in the free pics?
ldmain commented
I've seen all these sets. Don't have them, but I've seen all the photos.
anonimus2323 commented
damn bro, can you dm me with how to find them? These are probably the nicest sets available on Internet with Ana after nudex videos :(
anonimus2323 commented
she is back on onlyfans
xorume23 commented
whats her link?
anonimus2323 commented (of course, she probably has some PPV content as well if you DM her...) (I am not sure the 500$ is worth, at some point she posted 2 pics which you could see free on twitter on the photographer account's. the 1000$ one instead might be, but I don't think normal people will ever pay this amount.).
I am not aware of other socials she might have with other nicknames. even thought I am pretty sure they exists.
even her photosets, some of them are really erotic (like the ones shot with philaephoto) but now any website in this area is protected from google bots that scan the web. so no results on a simple search. ever. sad... :)
Deleted member 4042521 commented
for sure:
My kind of selfie
Love to create custom stuff for you
It makes my creativity flow
Every idea is welcome"
anonimus2323 commented

i am not aware of other aliases. I think her most explicit content was with nudex, bonnyart and philaephoto, which mainly imply closeups.

i do not know how to find any public content of her. I am not even looking for leaks, a good start would be also public content, like websites of her photographers, websites dedicated to portfolios and models, etc.

but due to google bot exclusion as well as some company handling copyrights claims, nothing can be found anymore...
anonimus2323 commented

i am sure the 500$ and 1000$ on her patreon are very interesting, as well as the PPV on onlyfans. but, as I do not come from a family of politicians, I can't even get the lowest tiers :)
Wee Willie Keeler
Wee Willie Keeler commented
She seems to be the type that leads an exciting private life .. if you get my drift .. but I have no idea if that translates to anything the rest of us can see .. even if it is hard to find .. we can always hope I suppose ..
anonimus2323 commented
well, if you find anything, let us know ;)
O avut cineva abonament la ea pe OF?Ca n-am chef sa dau 20 $ si sa vad poze ce le posteaza si pe instagram :)).Ca la abonamentu de patreon de 10 dolari primesti cele mai slabe calitativ poze posibile.
1 Comment
anonimus2323 commented
don't worry mate, if google translate did a decent job, I can assure you her patreon is one of the biggest scams ever. and generally she, as a person, probably.
she does not seem active on anything she started - x profile, other portofolio sites, etc. same for her patreon, there are some pictures that are tier 500$ and you can see them for free on profile of that photographer. not even that explicit or anything. the only thing that could be worth may be those monthly packages she is supposed to send on different patreon tiers. BUT, is she really sending them? considering she is barely active anywhere?

her OF profile might have some nice personal pictures, but do not expect pornography, she is not doing that. (thank god).
there was a mega at somepoint, a collection made by someone, there were few OF pictures and videos, quite nice really, she also tried to sell PPVs, but as I said, is she really active on these platforms? is worth? I'd like myself if anyone has anything to share as I am poor but because I am poor I am thinking if this is really a relevant spending to anyone? :(
1 Comment
ashes99 commented
There's some pic in this gallery :

Dda30 commented
honolulu006 commented
Seamana, probabil este sora mai mare a Antoniei, dar e diferenta ! :) MARE diferenta !
Johanmorison commented
anonimus2323 commented
anyone able to reach to the owner of bonnyart(.)com to have the site fixed and get a subscription and hopefully share the sets with Ana? :) probably some of the most explicit content you can find with her out there.