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Jun 28, 2010 2:28 PM
Dec 2007
This episode was just like the series, pretty funny and lively, with great ideas and less interesting ones, kinda pointless but also inexplicably attractive. The characetrs were great as usual and even if there were few developments until the end, it felt more or less right. One of the best slice of life rom/com of the year for the moment. 8/10

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jun 28, 2010 2:56 PM

Apr 2009
So it proved that the ending was on the same level as the whole series. Average. Nothing more - annoying at times, but in the overall quite funny.

Jun 28, 2010 3:06 PM

Oct 2009
This happens to be a pretty interesting ending, since some of these animes like these end like this anyway. I know a couple animes that ended this way. The things that made it this interesting is how the date ended & Satou forcing Souma to spend for the girls (one of the best moments in this episode)

9/10. The ride was excellent. Some holes should've been filled however. One is Maya's short air time throughout the series, and a couple others as well.

At least it wasn't a harem ending.

Jun 28, 2010 4:19 PM

Mar 2009
I kinda wished Takanashi didn't have to cross dress..

Damn you Yamada.
Jun 28, 2010 5:27 PM

Jan 2010
8th_Sin said:
Weakest series finale of the season.
Although I don't want to, I must agree. The finale didn't feel right at all, in fact it made me drop the score.
ReaperEXE said:
The second I saw Takanashi crossdressing, I knew this episode would be bad... It really ruined the mood for me.
I agree here too.

Overall good but not great. 6/10
Jun 28, 2010 5:31 PM

Jan 2008
Enjoyed the series, but like most have to say, ending wasn't the best. Not really much signs of season 2 other than the relation ship between the two.

Was disappointed that Takanashi had to cross dress, would be really funny if he did what he did as a girl in that episode. (Bunny doll, dogs, little girl, etc).

I don't hate Yamada for it but I do wish she didn't do that.

Maya is not normal.
Jun 28, 2010 5:55 PM

Dec 2009
Such a cute anime, I wouldn't mid a second season!
I wanted mor YachiyoxSatou action and TakanashixInami was fun but I like Taneshima way more than Inami.
I didn't like the Yamada character that much... But Souma was always fun to watch.

Overall a good anime.
Jun 28, 2010 6:08 PM

Jan 2010
ReaperEXE said:
The second I saw Takanashi crossdressing, I knew this episode would be bad... It really ruined the mood for me.

Fully agreed. It was still a fairly decent episode, although I was really looking forward to at least them holding hands. Oh well. :/

7/10 because slice of life anime don't usually keep my interest for the whole 13 episodes. I don't want a second season though, this was definitely enough for me.
Jun 28, 2010 6:40 PM
Feb 2009
I really enjoyed this show.

This episode started off cute and sweet but it felt like Inami & Souta ended up losing ground by the end of the date. I kept expecting some kind of lame "trip and fall into eachother" gimmick but thankfully, that never happened. Unfortunately nothing else happened either : / I would've been satisfied if she had been able to at least hold his hand. Instead we're left off with a backhanded compliment. Souta sure is lucky that Inami has selective hearing...

4/5 for the episode.

9/10 for the show. 2nd season is a *MUST*
Jun 28, 2010 7:14 PM

Jun 2008

A very disappointing final episode.

In ep 12, they gave us a huge anticipation for this episode, which in my opinion did not go so well.

I really hoped he would've gone on the date as a guy, the second I saw him as a girl, I was immediately surprised and upset.

Also, they waited until the last episode to introduce the glasses girl, she actually seemed like a very interesting character, too bad we never got to see her.

Either way my final score is for the ENTIRE season and not just the finale.

6.5/10......honestly I expected better.
Jun 28, 2010 7:17 PM

Jun 2010
the girl with glasses finally got introduced! (on the last episode......)
it was fairly enjoyable, and not a single punch thrown. :D really hoping for another season.

"Yamada accidentally spills water!"
-epic :D
seyrineSep 3, 2010 9:51 AM
Jun 28, 2010 7:36 PM

Jun 2009
I wonder why they insist in this crossdress thing, simply ruined the episode. I think everybody was waiting to see them on a "normal" date.

In the end, it was a very fun show. Could have ended better.
Jun 28, 2010 7:43 PM

Jul 2009
Entire season gets an 8/10 for its humor and SoL entertainment!
Probably the most lackluster finale ever >_>

However, Yamada's new clothes were cute and Maya made me lol

Also: "Yamada hustle!"
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Jun 28, 2010 7:48 PM

Jun 2010
I want more :((!
Is there going to be a second season??
I'd like to everything.
Jun 28, 2010 8:33 PM

May 2009
Satou foiling Souma's scheming and almost everything involving Yamada were easily the best parts of the episode with the big date being a bit of a let down (both in terms of progress and humor). Oh well. It is still the funniest show of the season. I hope this isn't the last we've seen of Wagnaria and its odd ball cast + 1 normal girl.
Jun 28, 2010 8:37 PM
Jan 2008
gotta to enjoy these kinds of anime. light hearted, comedy + a little romance.
Jun 28, 2010 8:42 PM

Oct 2009
I like how they finally introduced that other worker who sometimes showed up in previous episodes

And I wish this series would have focused more on Poplar D: Inami just got sooo many episodes.

7/10 for me
Jun 28, 2010 8:44 PM

Nov 2009
I grew to like Inami and because it is impossible to piss me off, never really grew tired of her. That said this ending sucked; the date wasn't anything special as last episode made it out to be, and they randomly introduced a new character at the end... Don't mind it being open but i hope they have a second season as long as they execute it right.

Jun 28, 2010 8:47 PM

Nov 2008
Jay_Ox said:
9/10 for the show. 2nd season is a *MUST*
Jun 28, 2010 8:59 PM

Aug 2009
That was not a good finally IMO!!! Where was the stunning romance end b/w Inami and kat,.. takanashi!? RAWR!!! I was expecting beauty and it was so anticlimactic!!!! There better be a season 2 (but I highly doubt it). :( I miss Poplar.
Jun 28, 2010 9:31 PM

Sep 2009
They didn't even get to hold hands? I was at least expecting that. >_>

Jun 28, 2010 9:34 PM

Nov 2006

must have second seasonnnnnnnnn
Jun 28, 2010 9:51 PM

May 2008
Like most others, I was disappointed by the final episode, because it was not what I was expecting, but... that was alright for me.

I think one of the major lessons one can draw from this anime is to appreciate the little things; the climax of the date was Takanashi letting slip that Inami was cute, and her impressively bashful reaction. It wasn't much in comparison to other animes we're used to, but maybe that can be a good thing. Even though it's usually pretty easy to know what will happen in an episode because of the character's personalities, the series held entertaining surprises for me until the very end.

Besides that, we get a whole faceload of Maya at the end who's going a bit crazy from being holed up with all the nutjobs she has to work with. Hopefully she'll keep on talking in season 2. (Which, judging by the ending, is already planned; there were a bunch of scenes during the ending I didn't recognize from season 1.)

In the end, adorable little series, with a lot of quality put into it to make something special out of the mediocre manga. Seems like not a series for those who don't appreciate its special brand of subtlety and humor delivery, but it's definitely within my palate. 8/10

I'm pretty sure life is a tsundere...
Jun 28, 2010 10:25 PM
Feb 2009
I honestly appreciated the show for being around to lighten me up, but as far as having a really good reason to watch this--I must confess I never had one ;p

Ep 13 was disappointing. Sad face. But I do hope there's a S2; the characters' relationships are really interesting.
Jun 29, 2010 12:03 AM

Oct 2009
I really enjoyed the anime series as a whole, I would've ranked episode 1-12 as 9/10
but this season finale left me unfulfilled and empty. I really wanted to see more Takanashi x Inami. I was really disappointed that Takanashi cross dressed on the date. The last episode imo made my rating drop from 9 to 7/10

Still a great anime. I really hope there is a season 2. There has to be. I can't imagine there not being a second season. =P
Jun 29, 2010 12:16 AM

Feb 2009
chinoman said:
this show became one of my favorite series of the season. i'd love to see a season 2

9/10 from me


Jun 29, 2010 1:20 AM

Jan 2010
hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu~~~~~~ Yamada~~~ Yamada~~~
Jun 29, 2010 1:29 AM

Aug 2009
Let down ending. That's all I can say.

7/10. A lot of enjoyable moments and humour prevented this getting 6 for the first 3 punch heavy episodes and ending.
Jun 29, 2010 1:51 AM

Feb 2009
Probably my favorite show of the season (besides Arakawa). The last episode was funny, but it left me underwhelmed and wanting more. Yamada was awfully adorable this episode though, and that last tidbit after the credits was hilarious.

I gave it a 9/10. Not going to drop a whole show's grade over an ending, considering it wasn't that impacting on the story or anything.
Jun 29, 2010 2:02 AM

Jan 2010
More Satou X Yachiyo =.=
Jun 29, 2010 2:23 AM

May 2008
loved this anime its great and funny someone wan wan ! someone wan wan~!

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jun 29, 2010 4:00 AM
Anime Moderator
Grammar Queen

Jun 2008
KazeFalcon said:
More Satou X Yachiyo =.=
p r o f i l e 👀
Jun 29, 2010 4:10 AM

Dec 2007
Ending could of been better but hopefully we'll get another season to make up for it. Yamada was really cute in this episode, she probably had the best moments in it along with Maya who we finally got to hear talk for once. Gets a 9/10 for me since I really enjoyed it throughout.
Jun 29, 2010 4:15 AM

May 2008
wow... just, wow... the date was really fucked up: Yamada throwing water to Takanashi for then, disguise him as Kotori, Takanashi being distracted by little childrens and puppies, and calling Inami a "dog"... Maya apeared for almost half of the episode. I want a second season D:
And as final episode, was ok, not awesome. 4/5
Jun 29, 2010 5:59 AM
Feb 2010
Who is Matsumoto? Is it just me or did she suddenly appear in ep 12 and then suddenly become one of the characters in this show?

And the ending was kinda boring...
Jun 29, 2010 6:34 AM

Mar 2009
Hım hım hım hıı hım Yamada Yamada Yay! <3

Great work!

Jun 29, 2010 6:59 AM

Mar 2008

Love this show
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Jun 29, 2010 9:05 AM
May 2008
I enjoyed this series, especially the characters... hard to explain but they just had a certain charm to them, that made watching enjoyable. Also, you wouldn't hear me complaining if a second season popped up!

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Please Delete
Jun 29, 2010 12:09 PM

Dec 2008
This is definitely my favourite comdey/slice of life series of the year thus far.

Absolutely loved it. And the last episode didn't disappoint either.

Lol'ed at Satou ordering the childrens plate for Taneshima in the restaurant. :P

Here's to season 2!
Jun 29, 2010 12:17 PM

May 2010
I really enjoyed this series. It really was worth watching it all with all the quirky characters. The end in my opinion was perfect as it leaves the viewer wanting more, and I definitely want more.

I give it 10/10. It's a great show that anybody can enjoy and relax with.
Jun 29, 2010 12:59 PM

Aug 2007
good episode, so so final.

-Katanashi looks cute and funny with the puppies.
- I like when a girl called onee chan to katanashi
Jun 29, 2010 9:13 PM

Oct 2009
I changed my hellish rating from a 9 to a 7. I did posted that I gave it a 9 earlier.

Actually, had Yamada & Souma themselves not foil with Takanashi's plans, then the ending would've gone much better. Also, I absolutely hate Yamada in this series. I wouldn't mind Nami Hitou Maya Sakamoto taking over instead of Yamada.

Meh, I thought about it and I obviously agree that the ending was craptastic and such. No words, after episode 13, I dropped it to a 7.

Jun 29, 2010 9:22 PM

May 2009
needs more

season 2!
Jun 29, 2010 10:35 PM

Jan 2009
whiteshadowz said:
needs more

season 2!

Jun 30, 2010 3:21 AM

May 2009
If there will be no 2nd season, then this title would seriously fucked up.
Poor ending but at least it get 8/10 from me. too many InamixTakanashi slightly bores me.

Jun 30, 2010 4:40 AM

May 2010
For a slice of life + comedy title like this, an open ending would be appropriate... for the whole series is pretty much spineless...

Btw, I found a manga that has one of the characters named Takanashi Kotori... funny.
a_l_2606Jun 30, 2010 4:51 AM
Jun 30, 2010 7:45 AM

May 2009
Hated it.
Ended with Inamibitch.
Jun 30, 2010 8:43 AM
Jun 2010
i didn't like the ending that much.
i didn't get to laugh that much.
i hope they are aiming for a 2nd season though.
because the ending of season 1 was just unsatisfying.
i want more!! more! more! =))
10/10 for being my favorite. hahaha =))
Jun 30, 2010 9:02 AM
Mar 2010
Jun 30, 2010 2:17 PM

Feb 2008
I find it funny and dissapointing that they introduced Maya at the end of the series...but i think it might lead to a second season with some many openings and unanswered questions
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