I spent 100 Days Building LEGO Minecraft…

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • I spent 100 Days Building LEGO Minecraft…
    In this video I combine LEGO and Minecraft by building the Ultimate LEGO Minecraft world featuring 5 of the official LEGO Minecraft sets AND my own custom Lego Minecraft Set with over 2000 pieces. This is a 100 days in Minecraft Challenge but it is LEGO!
    CREDIT For Minecraft House Tumbnail: • Building my Dream Hous...
    Thank you all for watching and comment down below if you want more LEGO Minecraft :) - also complete the challenge :)
    This is a twist of the iconic video idea “I Spent 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore” by many channels such as Forge Labs.
    This is a lego recreation of Minecraft, specifically a challenge where I attempt to build The Ultimate LEGO Minecraft World in 100 days! This was absolutely insane and so much happened in the process. Thanks for watching!
    My last video:
    Discord server:
    / discord
    Support my ideas project: ideas.lego.com....
    Follow me on:
    INSTAGRAM: / sacredbricks
    Tiktok: www.tiktok.com....
    Wanna binge some more:
    ALL custom lego creations:
    Video Game Related Builds:
    Harry Potter Builds: www.youtube.co....
    Tips and Tricks: www.youtube.co...
    Camera: Nikon d3300/iPhone13
    Tripod: Magnus vt-300
    Mic: hyper x quadcast
    Editor: Final Cut Pro X
    If your wondering what this is, its jumbled up keywords:
    This is a LEGO Time-Lapse Speed Build showcase.Not LEGO Spider-Man Vs Doctor Octopus Bridge Battle No Way Home, Lego Spiderman, lego youtube shorts, lego Spiderman shorts, youtube shorts, LEGO Spiderman MOC, LEGO Spiderman 2, LEGO The amazing Spiderman vs rhino. A massive LEGO Star Wars Timelapse MOC is not the same thing. This is also not A LEGO Star Wars Stop Motion or a LEGO Avengers Stop Motion, or a LEGO Cobra Kai Fight Stop Motion. LEGO Tutorials are great but this is a Custom MOC Showcase from Cobra Kai and is not a custom showcase from LEGO Super Mario Custom Expansion Pass, Massive LEGO Star Wars Hoth MOC, Massive LEGO City MOC Timelapse or anything else, LEGO Spider-Man Vs Doctor Octopus Bridge Battle No Way Home, lego,lego moc,lego Spiderman into the spider verse,lego into the spider verse,Miles Morales VS Kingpin LEGO!,Lego Sam Rami Spiderman,LEGo Tom Holland Spiderman,LEGO Andrew Garfield Spiderman,LEGO Tobey Maguire Spiderman,LEGO Dok Ock,LEGO Kingping,Lego Miles Morales,LEGO Into the Spider Verse 2,LEGO Into the spider verse lego moc,Lego moc Spiderman into the spiderverse,Spider-Man into the SpiderVerse lego,LEGo Spiderman,LEGO Spiderman No Way Home,LEGO Batman, doctor strange and the multiverse of madness, lego spiderman the lizard, lego spiderman rhino, lego spiderman sandman, lego spiderman dr ock, lego spiderman kraven the hunter, lego spiderman kingpin, lego spiderman green goblin
    #LegoMinecraft #100daysMinecraft
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Комментарии • 9 тыс.

  • @SacredBricks
    @SacredBricks  3 года назад +1344

    There’s a sick new like animation on youtube…try it.
    Also make sure complete the creeper challenge (if you are insane enough) and look out in the video for the secret number ;)

    @TDBRICKS 3 года назад +2602

    Bro, this is seriously your best video of all time. For the amount of time and money you put into this production, I give you mad respect! I found this extremely creative and entertaining. Incredible job dude!

  • @GenericStud
    @GenericStud 3 года назад +1469

    bro I can't believe you even made your own lego glass pieces that actually shatter 🙌

  • @EvangelinaFlower-k8p
    @EvangelinaFlower-k8p Год назад +20

    You deserve a ton of credit dude. You've spent so much money and effort on this vid. Best video you have done ever. I ❤ Minecraft so this video was for me!! Well done!!! You are incredible!!.

  • @Swolecoffee
    @Swolecoffee 3 года назад +642

    Creeper count:
    0:26 there's a red creeper and two green creepers displayed on the lego website, and another one on the box displayed in that same second. These four are shown a few more times, but I won't count them more, because it's just used as stock footage
    0:27 "The Creeper ambush" box shown has a red creeper
    0:30 a png of a creeper is infront of the target.
    0:42 the build includes one green creeper
    0:46 the animation contains one creeper.
    0:52 the "The pig house" set on the shelves has one creeper
    0:58 we only see 4 red creepers on the boxes here, but there could be up to 9 of "The Creeper ambush" on the shelves
    1:02 No creepers onscreen, but the Majestic Tiger" shown has a butthole and I think more people need to know that.
    1:09 another "The Creeper ambush" box, with red creeper.
    1:22 over the next ten seconds we repeatedly see a copy of "The creeper ambush". Depending on the order this was recorded in, it may be a new creeper
    2:12 a creeper is in the lego pile thrown on the ground
    2:13 A creeper is shown onscreen, in the plastic flesh!
    2:32 debut of the creeper inside "The creeper ambush."
    3:31 the word "Creeper" is onscreen, so I'm counting it.
    5:25 A creeper is seen in the gameplay in the top right corner
    6:39 A creeper enters the digital house and gets punched to death
    7:28 14 digital creepers
    11:02 green lego creeper of unknown origin debuts
    11:04 another green lego creeper.
    11:49 a png creeper slides across the table
    11:55 two lego creepers are seen, but only one is new
    12:53 there's a creeper next to the nether portal that wasn't there before.
    41 creepers if you count the text and assume the set at 1:22 hasn't been seen before.

    @LEGOCOOKING 2 года назад +112

    Enjoy the ride! I Love Your Content So Much

  • @mr.z2089
    @mr.z2089 3 года назад +643

    I would totally buy this if it was official. It reminds me so much of the first night set!

  • @NovasYouTubeName
    @NovasYouTubeName Год назад +2

    Lego HAS made a blast furnace

  • @TheB3
    @TheB3 3 года назад +116

    I've been thinking of a way to combine LEGO with the "100 days" trend... you *nailed* it!!

  • @TrentonDoesStuff.
    @TrentonDoesStuff. 3 года назад +24

    8:41 it can remove enchantments to get xp back, you can use it to repair items, or you can use it because its a villager's workstation

  • @Shrek-is-love-shrek-is-life1
    @Shrek-is-love-shrek-is-life1 Год назад +4

    This was so cool i love your custom lego set it looks soo good👌✌️

  • @CoolioTheSecond
    @CoolioTheSecond 3 года назад +7


    • @lo4967
      @lo4967 2 года назад +2


  • @aryaanshastri2364
    @aryaanshastri2364 2 года назад +29

    "why are my pieces so fragile?"
    *repeatedly keeps yeeting them onto the ground*

  • @thebrickaniac
    @thebrickaniac 3 года назад +31

    This is such a genius idea for a video, I've been waiting for someone to make this trend into a lego video for while! Great work! Btw I love the road to 100k channel banner

    • @sorokonozhkaa
      @sorokonozhkaa 3 года назад

      Dont care

    • @glenplayz9961
      @glenplayz9961 3 года назад

      @@sorokonozhkaa your mom doesn’t care about you thats why you dont have manners

    • @Turquoised
      @Turquoised 3 года назад

      @@glenplayz9961 that is wow

    • @ali_ahmadd_
      @ali_ahmadd_ 3 года назад

      not trying to be rude but what trend trend cuz u said 'this trend'

    • @Turquoised
      @Turquoised 3 года назад

      @@ali_ahmadd_ it’s poplar thing lots of people have been doing if you want to see the ‘trend’ search ‘i spent one hundred days in Minecraft hardcore/survival/modded/creative’ there a lot of versions of it

  • @Kashyyyktrooperstudios
    @Kashyyyktrooperstudios 3 месяца назад +1

    Bro loves his baby Chicken.

  • @raisinx
    @raisinx 3 года назад +4

    0:26 2 different creepers in 2 different sets
    0:27 theres a creeper in that set
    0:28 creeper on the box art
    0:30 that walking creeper at target
    0:37 creeper in a set
    0:40 creeper in box art
    0:42 creeper beside steve
    0:47 creeper walking
    0:53 creeper in box art
    0:59 creeper on box art

    • @Naayav
      @Naayav 3 года назад

      Wow you did it good job bro

    • @raisinx
      @raisinx 3 года назад

      nope i gave up halway

    • @Naayav
      @Naayav 3 года назад

      God damn

  • @minibrickgaming7130
    @minibrickgaming7130 3 года назад +146

    You really woke up one day and chose success. My man, you really got all LEGO creators drooling over the production quality and entertainment-factor of your videos. It's crazy thinking how far you've come since your MOC days. Keep it up bro, I see a silver play button in the not-so-distant horizon!

  • @keithbeebe5717
    @keithbeebe5717 3 года назад +12

    Great video and there is 28 creepers in total.🙂

    • @fnafLego10
      @fnafLego10 Год назад +1

      Nah 66

    • @samanthajones2356
      @samanthajones2356 6 месяцев назад

      Yor right 6:16 6:18 6:19 6:19 6:19 6:20 6:20 6:20 6:21 6:21 6:21 6:21 6:22 6:22 6:22 6:23 6:23 6:23 6:25 6:25 6:26 6:26 6:26 6:27 6:27 6:27 6:28 6:28 6:28 6:29 6:29 6:30 6:30 6:32 6:32 6:32 6:33 6:33 6:33 6:34 6:34 6:34 6:35 6:35 6:36 6:36 6:37 6:37 6:37 6:38 6:38 6:38 6:39 6:47 6:47 6:47 6:48 6:48 6:48 6:49 6:49 6:49 6:49

  • @AminahSeck
    @AminahSeck Год назад +1

    Craft Minecraft, MinecraftOooooooo Ma craft, Minecraftoooooo Minecraft, Minecraftooooooooooooooooo craft mine😊😊😊😊😊😊

  • @carnivault
    @carnivault 2 года назад +131

    there was actually a real problem with reddish-brown lego pieces breaking for a little while. the issue was likely due to the chemical composition of the specific dye that caused the notorious “brittle brown” pieces. it has been addressed and solved as of now, but pieces made before 2018, when they implemented the changes, are more susceptible to cracking after use.

    • @hyper_6761
      @hyper_6761 2 года назад +3

      there are already videos on that, he alr knows

    • @ouwebrood497
      @ouwebrood497 2 года назад

      Smashing your LEGO like he did doesn't help by the way.

    • @saucychicken502
      @saucychicken502 2 года назад +1

      we all know, I also lost a $45 minifig when I broke it's brown torso

    • @Huz6968
      @Huz6968 2 года назад


    • @Murkymindy
      @Murkymindy 2 года назад +1

      I always thought that I was making it up lol

  • @barca_edits_official
    @barca_edits_official 3 года назад +6

    12:06 well worth t looks like the wolf abd the fox are foing to have some fun

  • @iAmAllOfMii
    @iAmAllOfMii 2 года назад +36

    8:42 Assuming this wasn't a joke:
    Grindstones are used to remove enchantments from items, in return giving the player experience points. This works with all enchantments. That is, everything except for the Curse of Binding and Curse of Vanishing enchantments.

  • @nuclearleon123
    @nuclearleon123 Год назад +10

    Creeper count:
    0:26 there's a red creeper and two green creepers displayed on the lego website, and another one on the box displayed in that same second.
    0:27 "The Creeper ambush" box shown has a red creeper
    0:30 a png of a creeper is infront of the target.
    0:42 the build includes one green creeper
    0:46 the animation contains one creeper.
    0:52 the "The pig house" set on the shelves has one creeper
    0:58 we only see 4 red creepers on the boxes here, but there could be up to 9 of "The Creeper ambush" on the shelves
    1:02 No creepers onscreen, but the Majestic Tiger" shown has a butthole and I think more people need to know that.
    1:09 another "The Creeper ambush" box, with red creeper.
    1:22 over the next ten seconds we repeatedly see a copy of "The creeper ambush". Depending on the order this was recorded in, it may be a new creeper
    2:12 a creeper is in the lego pile thrown on the ground
    2:13 A creeper is shown onscreen, in the plastic flesh!
    2:32 debut of the creeper inside "The creeper ambush."
    3:31 the word "Creeper" is onscreen, so I'm counting it.
    5:25 A creeper is seen in the gameplay in the top right corner
    6:39 A creeper enters the digital house and gets punched to death
    7:28 14 digital creepers
    11:02 green lego creeper of unknown origin debuts
    11:04 another green lego creeper.
    11:49 a png creeper slides across the table
    11:55 two lego creepers are seen, but only one is new
    12:53 there's a creeper next to the nether portal that wasn't there before.
    41 creepers if you count the text and assume the set at 1:22 hasn't been seen before.

  • @OPspider14
    @OPspider14 3 года назад +25

    A grindstone can disenchant your tools if you don’t like the enchantments :)

    • @LitzJ
      @LitzJ 3 года назад +1

      Nice im a noob at minecraft

    • @leroyspeelt
      @leroyspeelt 3 года назад

      Bruh why would you want to delete it? It would make it worse!

    • @OPspider14
      @OPspider14 3 года назад +3

      @@leroyspeelt because the grindstone can disenchant an ENCHANTMENT TABLE’s enchantment, which is a random enchantment. So if you don’t like the random enchantment, you can get rid of it.

    • @fj094t58qjf
      @fj094t58qjf 3 года назад +1

      @@OPspider14 i think he meant that he want to just keep it as collection instead of removing them. honestly i do the same. (also cuz i got villagers selling diamond tools and armors for cheap from forced hospitalization)

  • @Cherrylime_Studios
    @Cherrylime_Studios 2 года назад +4

    2:13 "I'm still a kid and this is right up my a..."

  • @BinaryArmorOnline
    @BinaryArmorOnline 3 года назад +32

    This is potentially one of the most fun lego videos I've seen on youtube. I enjoyed watching this WAY too much

  • @Zachoro
    @Zachoro Год назад +1

    This was so cool 100 minercract days

  • @rrooddeerr
    @rrooddeerr 3 года назад +20

    why arent you a lego designer? this is amazing!

    • @fullofmadness7252
      @fullofmadness7252 3 года назад +1

      (NOT TO HATE) real lego designers don't use illegal techniques

    • @rrooddeerr
      @rrooddeerr 3 года назад

      what technique did he use? i didnt see it

    • @fullofmadness7252
      @fullofmadness7252 3 года назад

      @@rrooddeerr well, not in this build, it's in another one of his mocs, and also almost all of his builds have adleast 1 part that isn't connected to studs so when he trys to move it, it all falls off like butter on a dinnerplate

    • @fullofmadness7252
      @fullofmadness7252 3 года назад

      @@rrooddeerr also he technically is a designer in his own way

    • @fj094t58qjf
      @fj094t58qjf 3 года назад +1

      @@fullofmadness7252 actually i find many lego sets with parts that break apart with a single touch

  • @Harvzy
    @Harvzy 3 года назад +4

    4:12 he is crudding on fortnite while using fortnite music in the background😂 no hate by the way it’s a great video

    • @SacredBricks
      @SacredBricks  3 года назад +3

      🤫 wave rider track is fire 🔥

    • @Harvzy
      @Harvzy 3 года назад +1

      @@SacredBricks I agree it is a banger especially the season when it released

  • @aidanblake4221
    @aidanblake4221 3 года назад +62

    Honestly, I’d like to see this guy try and do Star Wars or maybe using limited edition sets. Maybe Jurassic park or back to the future.

    • @SacredBricks
      @SacredBricks  3 года назад +17

      I plan on making a Jurassic build close to the release of the new movie :)

    • @l.p.3876
      @l.p.3876 3 года назад +5

      @@SacredBricks cool

  • @RajeshSharma-uy6mt
    @RajeshSharma-uy6mt Год назад +3

    there was actually a real problem with reddish-brown lego pieces breaking for a little while. the issue was likely due to the chemical composition of the specific dye that caused the notorious “brittle brown” pieces. it has been addressed and solved as of now, but pieces made before 2018, when they implemented the changes, are more susceptible to cracking after use. AndYou deserve a ton of credit dude. You've spent so much money and effort on this vid. Best video you have done ever. I ❤ Minecraft so this video was for me!! Well done!!! You are incredible!!.

  • @Arch.d
    @Arch.d 3 года назад +26

    I did not have trouble on connecting the nether sets lol
    this must be sooo fun! Great video!
    And yeah whats up with those brown bricks? Mine also breaks

    • @D1SC0RD247
      @D1SC0RD247 3 года назад +1

      Basically, once they're was a batch of reddish-brown peices made too brittle

  • @5jenthompson
    @5jenthompson 2 года назад +4

    Bro how many times do you refer to speed runners 😂😅😁 Great video dude

  • @theseus0467
    @theseus0467 3 года назад +71

    Back in my day during the times of micro Minecraft where Steve was like a couple of 1x1 pieces, there was a man, whose name is lost to time... (and I forgot), who was a legend. He created many lego Minecraft sets using regular lego pieces and not the specialized versions. They were glorious. What started out as a single Minecraft video turned into several sets, of which I have forgotten. One I possibly remember was in a field, and one a woodland mansion. (If anyone knows the guy I'm talking about because I'm stupid please tell me.)

  • @JustSanstheicelad
    @JustSanstheicelad Год назад +2

    yours custom build looks better than my friends houses |XD|

  • @squidbricks
    @squidbricks 3 года назад +15

    This build is amazing you even put interior in your build and put so much detail in it!

  • @pixelexe5229
    @pixelexe5229 2 года назад +21

    I’m just watching this and thinking “wow I could never build this good” this is insane keep up the good work

  • @gustafvonfersenafleijonhufvud
    @gustafvonfersenafleijonhufvud 2 года назад +13

    This man took the 100 days trend to a whole new level

  • @jacobwasherelol
    @jacobwasherelol Год назад +2

    8:40 the grindstone is used to remove the enchantments on your armor, tools, and a random pumpkin with curse of binding

  • @thebrickbrain2006
    @thebrickbrain2006 3 года назад +6

    Man, that's some good content right there! I saw 69 creepers btw

  • @sir_donut..
    @sir_donut.. 2 года назад +5

    r.i.p sandman on 9:34

    • @Kat_God
      @Kat_God 2 года назад +1

      He lived a good life 😔
      My he rest in peace🙏

  • @d4ngus169
    @d4ngus169 3 года назад +33

    Let’s appreciate this guy took hours for the building for just us in the RUclips community bravo 👏 must say

  • @scottvandyke6468
    @scottvandyke6468 Год назад +1

    Sorry if my other comment was a little hectic I meant to just saying a grindstone is to remove Chapman's off of your tools and armor also I love your videos please do more I hope that was a little easier to read😅

  • @deraility963
    @deraility963 3 года назад +13

    Thats like 100 times better than the official lego sets. I would totally buy it if i could. Great work.

  • @Sir_Squirrel_TheIV
    @Sir_Squirrel_TheIV 3 года назад +7

    10:06 Steve was later rushed to the hospital later pronounced dead do to injuries

  • @latashamcpherson2605
    @latashamcpherson2605 Месяц назад +1

    I live in Minecraft with my mama😂 2:27

  • @anirvsunkara8441
    @anirvsunkara8441 2 года назад +14

    I don't care wut u say but this guy deserves more than anything to be a lego designer

  • @koloscsaszar250
    @koloscsaszar250 3 года назад +7

    1:52 lol watch the background

  • @CoolestKevin_
    @CoolestKevin_ 3 года назад +14

    This is such an amazing idea and the editing on this video was insane !

  • @JamesCerbo-x3l
    @JamesCerbo-x3l 7 месяцев назад

    5:57 got me dying 😂

  • @josephinejopson6318
    @josephinejopson6318 9 месяцев назад +18

    27 creepers

  • @Smart0713
    @Smart0713 Год назад +6

    dude, why is this not on Lego Ideas?
    I want to see this set in the store

  • @yellowzlegoz1803
    @yellowzlegoz1803 3 года назад +8

    You act so chill in this video, but the amount of effort in editing and building is amazing! I hope your hard work pays off.

  • @pearlcarlson3560
    @pearlcarlson3560 2 года назад +1

    Best vid ever man

  • @jesshelman4186
    @jesshelman4186 2 года назад +31

    its crazy to see how much time and effort you put into your videos!

  • @Jisntcool
    @Jisntcool 2 года назад +17

    The grindstone removes enchantments, not cursed ones tho, learned that one pretty recently.

  • @Crystal12122
    @Crystal12122 2 года назад +4

    The way you forged the nether and overworld is exactly how I did it a few months ago and still do it

  • @Domi_does_it
    @Domi_does_it Год назад

    You got to post that custom set on Lego ideas😂

  • @Familyofturkeys
    @Familyofturkeys 3 года назад +14

    Thank you for crediting Grian for your thumbnail. There’s lots of people who just take pictures with no knowledge and it’s not that uncommon to see people stealing. Although it’s the bare minimum, I’m glad you credited him. Thank you!!!

  • @jpwalla0208
    @jpwalla0208 2 года назад +7

    Thats epik. Better that literally anything that I’ve made. When I tried to make a lego Minecraft world it ended with something that looked kinda cool and me having to destroy it because I made it literally in the middle of the floor. This looks awesome.

  • @player7747
    @player7747 2 года назад +4

    10:21 bro this looks like creeper

  • @The_Fox_Therian433
    @The_Fox_Therian433 Год назад +1

    I wish I could contact the LEGO company and ask them to make this a set. Like this is one of the best Lego creations I've ever seen

  • @SimplyKingFR
    @SimplyKingFR 3 года назад +63

    If I had a penny for every time he said speedrunners I would be richer than Elon Musk himself.

  • @kirat4133
    @kirat4133 2 года назад +4

    Creeper count: 0:26 there is a red creeper and two green creepers bye bye

  • @somerandomyoutuber3509
    @somerandomyoutuber3509 2 года назад +5

    do you have any recommendations for where to buy good lego bricks for cheaper than, say, amazon? I'm mainly looking for just a buttload of bricks I can use for large structures, maybe with some texturing like yours has. got any good places?

  • @skyygriffin4848
    @skyygriffin4848 Год назад +1

    I saw 27 creepers o and I think your the best lego youtuber

  • @akuto5an271
    @akuto5an271 2 года назад +6

    Spawns of Mr Beast editors just keep spreading, it’s nuts

  • @danielleruigrok576
    @danielleruigrok576 2 года назад +4

    You're the ultimate speedrunner and now when anyone mentions speedrunner they're going to see you as the ultimate speedrunner you win an Oscar for best speedrunner in history

  • @EasleyAce
    @EasleyAce 3 года назад +5

    9:14 I would buy this set

  • @philmarvin7325
    @philmarvin7325 Год назад

    So sick!Your minecraft world looks great!!!!👍👍😎😎😅

  • @Coclroach
    @Coclroach 3 года назад +13

    Your set looks better than the official lego sets

  • @Marisa-Kirisame-Ordi-Magician
    @Marisa-Kirisame-Ordi-Magician 3 года назад +7

    2:43, Wrong the chainmail armor is.

  • @jer-bear5461
    @jer-bear5461 3 года назад +6

    5:50 me rn

  • @jelly_donut69
    @jelly_donut69 2 года назад +1

    how can you pass the budget if you 'didn't pay for anything'?

  • @jaydubfilmslego
    @jaydubfilmslego 3 года назад +6

    wow this looks amazing I would totally buy this!

  • @kishoh32
    @kishoh32 3 года назад +6

    2:33 there is red creeper

  • @RandomDragonBoi
    @RandomDragonBoi 2 года назад +5

    I gotta say that your minecraft house is so good, I rebuilt it in the game and it´s absolutely fantastic. I have to thank you for creating such an amazing house.

  • @toniathomasson3853
    @toniathomasson3853 Год назад +1

    So the grindstone it uninstance your items if you want to get better enchantments.

  • @quinne97
    @quinne97 2 года назад +6

    I absolutely love this!!! I am trying to replicate something like this for my massive minecraft lego world! Love the videos!!!

  • @FrodoSolosTheMCU
    @FrodoSolosTheMCU 3 года назад +4

    Yours is literally 100% better then any minecraft set that has been released.

  • @daviddawson8280
    @daviddawson8280 2 года назад +4

    This creation was awesome! I really enjoy watching your videos!

  • @meliciastuurman4493
    @meliciastuurman4493 5 часов назад

    Lego already has a brown fence 😂😂

  • @sir__poptart3699
    @sir__poptart3699 2 года назад +4

    6:45 creeper

    • @onewaytochrist
      @onewaytochrist 2 года назад +1

      Aw man

    • @flopp_idk
      @flopp_idk 2 года назад +1

      ​@@onewaytochrist so we back in the mines

    • @Grim_Ghoul
      @Grim_Ghoul 8 месяцев назад

      Grabbin our pickaxe

    • @_Thedarklord
      @_Thedarklord 7 месяцев назад

      @@Grim_Ghoulfrom side to side side side to side (idk)

  • @CuteBlueFluffy-scratch
    @CuteBlueFluffy-scratch 2 года назад +4

    0:31 creeper

  • @kerrms
    @kerrms 29 дней назад

    4:10 dissing fortnite while playing music from fortnite is crazy

  • @umeshkumar-zs2ip
    @umeshkumar-zs2ip 5 месяцев назад +1

    10:47 oops i accidentally right-clicked with my flint and steel-

  • @Emmcteamowner
    @Emmcteamowner 4 месяца назад

    For Those Who Dont Understand Why Is The Item Frame Small ITS BECAUSE ITEM FRAMES IN MINECRAFT ARE SIZE OF A BLOCK BUT SMALLER BUT LEGO IS SAME SO NO COMPLAINS the custom Version takes TOO MUCH space

  • @TuxedoMaskAndSailorMoon15
    @TuxedoMaskAndSailorMoon15 8 месяцев назад


  • @Grim_Ghoul
    @Grim_Ghoul 8 месяцев назад +1

    2:06 the music is 🔥

  • @Dusty_iscool
    @Dusty_iscool Год назад

    Creepers: 0:46, 0:53, Two creepers in 1:02 , 2:10, 2:14, 2:29 (red creeper again), 2:30 (red creeper again again), 2:36 (red creeper again again again), 2:40, (red creeper again again again again), 2:45 (red creeper again again again again again), 3:17 (red creeper again again again again again again), 3:24(red creeper again again again again again again again), 3:30 (red creeper again again again again again again again again), 4:17 (red creeper again again again again again again again again), 6:41, 7:28, 11:03, 11:04, 11:56, 12:26, 12:42, 12:44, 13:19, and finally, 13:20. (red creeper + three green creepers). In total I found 27 creepers, if you counted the red creepers.

  • @StealthFan25
    @StealthFan25 3 месяца назад

    rest in piece some of the lego brown bricks they will be forever missed

  • @bethuthe3052
    @bethuthe3052 Год назад +1

    I have four Lego Minecraft sets 😁👍👌👁👄👁

  • @Cyberpizza.me_1
    @Cyberpizza.me_1 6 месяцев назад

    i love the thanos armed raptor in the back:)

  • @yohan2.098
    @yohan2.098 Год назад +2

    3:06 either that is a TINY colony or he actually dosent want to destroy all of them

  • @rafalkowalczyk649
    @rafalkowalczyk649 2 года назад +1

    I ❤ the world that you build

    @RHNMEMES Год назад

    Who thinks that Lego should make this an actual Minecraft set 😂❤

  • @CPT_GHOST2798
    @CPT_GHOST2798 2 года назад +1

    That house is better than any house I’ve ever made and I play Minecraft every single day

  • @Dragonite-y7d
    @Dragonite-y7d 10 месяцев назад +2

    I saw 20 minecraft creepers wait what that no- 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 (20 minecraft creepers entered and excpoded my home)

  • @Stupidmariobrossssssssss
    @Stupidmariobrossssssssss 8 месяцев назад

    10:49 bro is HOLDING A CHICKENS HEAD!!!!!!

  • @helenkim23
    @helenkim23 Год назад

    So cool ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️