Battle of Dumai's Wells - Dragon in Danger - Wheel of Time LORE

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Wizards and Warriors new animated fantasy documentary lore video will talk about the world of Wheel of Time created by the late Robert Jordan in a series concluded by Brandon Sanderson. In the first episode we will talk about the Second Age, the age of Legends, when the humanity reached the peak of its potential through the One Power of the Creator under the leadership of the Aes Sedai, and how the hubris and greed of some allowed the Dark One - Shai'tan to enter the world to corrupt it, leading to the War of Power. The Light is led by Lews Therin Telamon, the "Dragon" and his attack on the Dark One leads to the Breaking of the World ( • How the Men Broke the ... ). In the aftermath of the breaking, the Aes Sedai rise to power and the humanity starts to slowly rebuild itself, until Ishamael attacks again, leading to the century-long Trolloc Wars. ( • Trolloc Wars - Wheel o... ). In the aftermath, a number of False Dragons appeared, only to be promptly defeated. One of them was crushed by Artur Hawkwing Paendrag, who become the greatest conqueror of the Westlands, Alexander of that era ( • Rise of Artur Hawkwing... ). With his death, his empire collapsed, leading to the founding of most of modern states. One of them- Cairhien was led by king Laman Damodred at a later date and his pride and sin led to the Aiel invasion and Aiel war, which, in turn, led to the birth of the Dragon ( • The Aiel War - Birth o... ). The Dragon Reborn returned and with that the world gained hope to survive the incoming Last Battle - Tarmon Gai'don. Moiraine Damodred and Lan Mandragoran were looking for him and found him in the Two Rivers region - a shepherd Rand al'Thor. Together with his friends Mat Cauthon, Perrin Aybara, Egwene Al'vere, Nynaeve Al'meara, they went to the Eye of the World, seemingly to fight the Dark One, leading to the battle of Tarwin's Gap ( • The Dragon Reborn Retu... ). The march of the dragon continued with the battles of Falme, where he fought the Seanchan invaders and the stone of Tear, which he conquered with the help of the Aiel ( • Battles of Falme and T... ). To strengthen his grip on the Aiel, he traveled to the Wastes, which led to the civil war within the clans and the siege of Cairhien ( • Siege of Cairhien - Wh... ). Elsewhere, Perrin Aybara was forced to fight the battle of Emond's Field to defend his home ( • Battle of Emond's Fiel... ), and then rescue Rand, the Dragon in Danger during the Battle of Dumai's Wells
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    Writer: Kamil Górak
    Illustration and Animation: Lito Areta
    Map: Adam Ellis Charters
    Narration: OfficiallyDevin ( / officiallydevin )
    Editing: Kamran Maharramli
    Producer: Nurlan Karimov
    Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: www.epidemicsou...
    #Lore #Fantasy #WheelofTime

Комментарии • 96

  • @muhammadfahimrahman6204
    @muhammadfahimrahman6204 11 дней назад +90

    This battle is one of the greatest fantasy battles ever

    • @FeArmizare
      @FeArmizare 11 дней назад +7

      Honestly one of the coolest things I have ever experienced ever in fiction. That Kneel to the Lord Dragon or you will be knelt line is one of the coolest lines ever written.

    • @mlyss22
      @mlyss22 7 дней назад +2

      @@FeArmizare FACTS!!!

  • @KroiAlbanoiArbanon
    @KroiAlbanoiArbanon 11 дней назад +45

    When a fantasy battle is written by a war veteran it sure as hell is not going to be glamourous or glorious.

    • @dane3038
      @dane3038 10 дней назад +1

      That Joran was a West point graduate is an underspoken aspect of his writing. It affects it in the same way that Howard's boxing experience affects his Conan novels. *Real life experience.

    • @joshseveck5040
      @joshseveck5040 10 дней назад +3

      @@dane3038 I had no idea he was a combat veteran! No wonder his books are so realistic. My favorite part of the Wheel of Time is his battles and the conversation the great captains have about tactics!

    • @jamesblackwell7752
      @jamesblackwell7752 5 дней назад +1

      @@dane3038 The Citadel not West Point.

  • @dane3038
    @dane3038 10 дней назад +19

    My favorite scene in the whole story. "Kneel or you will be knelt"!

  • @Var_ar_Vargen
    @Var_ar_Vargen 10 дней назад +14

    "I'll just let this shady guy train up an army of channelers completely unsupervised. What could possibly go wrong?" - Rand

  • @darklightuk2
    @darklightuk2 11 дней назад +32

    Ashaman .... Kill!
    ... sent chills when I first read

  • @AsiniusNaso
    @AsiniusNaso 11 дней назад +31

    This is my favorite battle in fantasy. The Asha’man’s attack doesn’t feel like magic, it’s like artillery. It’s not fancy or beautiful, it just rips people apart. It completely changes the dynamic of magic and the future of the series.
    Robert Jordan was a veteran of the Vietnam War, and the way he describes battle and Rand’s ptsd feels strongly informed by this.

  • @joshseveck5040
    @joshseveck5040 10 дней назад +5

    The Asha'man are the coolest part of Wheel of Time to me. They make every scene feel so much more intense! (I'm in the slog through Crossroads of Twilight right now)

  • @andrewfelsher7872
    @andrewfelsher7872 11 дней назад +44

    Notable Errors:
    1:16 Bashere did NOT bring Taim to Rand. Taim came by himself. This is probably a misinterpretation of Saldean guards escorting Taim from the palace entrance to Rand and Bashere.
    1:50 Taim was not testing for the spark. He was testing for the ability to channel. In fact, we know that Damer Flinn in particular did NOT have the spark, because men with the spark start channeling in their teens or twenties, and Damer was a balding old man at the time of the testing.
    2:53 Berelain spent MONTHS away from Rand after he gained Callandor. She only rejoined him after the liberation of Cairhien. Saying she had not left his side is probably some AI way of noting that she was loyal to Rand.
    3:19 It's "a" Gray Man, not "the" Gray Man. Moreover, why does the illustration show a Gray Man dressed conspicuously and wielding fireballs? Gray Men look and dress very plainly and their only magic is being almost unnoticeable.
    4:22 Galina was the CURRENT leader of the Red Ajah at the time of Rand's capture, not the "former" Highest. More importantly, there were THIRTEEN Aes Sedai including Galina, NOT three. The use of young-looking Aes Sedai to hide their numbers is why this worked.
    5:33 Perrin's force did NOT go east to chase Rand's abductors. They went north (and a bit west). You, know, the direction that the Aes Sedai went, and the direction of the White Tower, and the direction of the Shaido? East doesn't make any sense.
    5:52 The Siswai'aman are not a discrete "community" of Aiel. And they do NOT consider themselves "subordinate only to the Dragon Reborn." They also follow clan/sept chiefs and battle leaders, etc, though they are ultimately loyal to Rand personally.
    14:13 The animation implies that Masema traveled to Ghealdan from Andor/Cairhien (around the time of Dumai's Wells?). But he'd been in the vicinity of Ghealdan since book 3, shortly after the events at Falme.
    17:03 The Saldeans and the Legion of the Dragon did not "fail" to capture Sammael. That was never the intention; Rand was always going to be the one to deal with Sammael.
    More minor corrections in the first reply to this comment.

    • @andrewfelsher7872
      @andrewfelsher7872 11 дней назад +8

      2:15 The wording here implies that the Salidar embassy arrived on the same day as Taim, but they arrived days/weeks later.
      2:17, 7:09, 10:53 "Sorceresses" is not a term that gets used in-universe. Aes Sedai are called "Aes Sedai," "channelers," or "witches."
      3:00 And Aes Sedai are DEFINITELY never called "wizards." Not even Asha'man are ever called "wizards."
      3:19 Why is Rand holding a dagger? And why is he holding it backwards?
      3:22 It's "balefire," not "a balefire." You wouldn't say someone used "a balefire" any more than you'd say someone drowned in "a water."
      3:33 The on-screen note refers to Kiruna and Bera coming "from the embassy in the Aiel Waste." Kiruna and Bera WERE the embassy sent to the Aiel Waste (so they couldn't come "from" it) and I don't think they ever actually reached the Waste before redirecting to Caemlyn.
      3:58 The narration says Rand berated Berelain for neglecting HIS duties. I suppose that's technically correct if "his" refers to Rand, but Light is that an awkward phrasing. Berelain is very, very female.
      4:06 "Ministries" is a very odd word to refer to the Aes Sedai embassies.
      4:30 Very odd wording that implies that the trunk used to capture Rand was carried out of the Palace BEFORE Rand was put in it, which is obviously silly.
      4:54 It's the "Feast of Lights," not "Festival of Lights."
      5:22 The animation shows Perrin and company leaving Cairhien to the east, but they specifically went west and crossed the Alguenya.
      6:16 The wording implies Perrin first recognized the Two Rivers men by their banners when he saw them, but he already knew who they were because of the Wolves.
      6:20, 7:44, 7:56 Yet again, it's "the Two Rivers," NOT "Two Rivers."
      6:43 Yes, Sevanna was the wife of Suladric, but that seems an odd way to describe her given that her marriage to Couladin is more recent, more identifiable, and was mentioned in the video about the battle of Cairhien.
      8:20 The on-screen note says that Aes Sedai pass an "exam" to become Aes Sedai. I suppose that's not technically incorrect, but "testing" is a bit less misleading and is the word used in-universe.
      13:07 Rand did not "move" to Rhuidean. He briefly Traveled there.
      13:23 It's "the Choedan Kal," not "Choedan Kal."
      14:01 Weird wording. The "friends" in question were Rand and Perrin.
      15:30 Fain was a peddler, not a merchant.
      16:15 Weird wording. While Mat was present in the Caemlyn attack, it was Rand's attack and Mat's presence was largely incidental. Also, while Mat was involved in planning the Illian attack, it was hardly just his plan.
      17:19 It's "Mashadar," not "the Mashadar."

    • @aaronhpa
      @aaronhpa 11 дней назад

      ​@@andrewfelsher7872is fully subscribe all your indications, you really love this saga, and it shows ❤️

    • @micahbonewell5994
      @micahbonewell5994 11 дней назад +1

      for 4:22, They not only used young aes sedai, but they entered multiple times with just servants and only 3 aes sedai beforehand to prove their trust worthiness, the young aes sedai/ servants were wearing hoods each time as well to not be recognized.

    • @micahbonewell5994
      @micahbonewell5994 11 дней назад +2

      12:38 saying that no one had considered Elayne Trakand to take the throne of Cairhein is false, she was one of the foremost candidates, just unwanted by the local nobles

    • @micahbonewell5994
      @micahbonewell5994 11 дней назад +1

      @@andrewfelsher7872 Yeah a lot of the weird wording makes me think either the script was written by AI or by a non-native english speaker

  • @Rycardo_tx
    @Rycardo_tx 11 дней назад +21

    Can't wait for the battle of tar valon and egewene big moment

    • @aaronhpa
      @aaronhpa 11 дней назад +1

      Do you want me to cry?

  • @Adam-xo5iq
    @Adam-xo5iq 7 дней назад +1

    Rand exploding in freedom from the trunk and stilling Aes Sedai is one of my favorite parts of the series.

  • @rutviksheth2462
    @rutviksheth2462 11 дней назад +4

    Love this! Can you please make a video of the Final Battle!! One of the most complicated and multi layered battle in the series.

  • @carolbriscoe9337
    @carolbriscoe9337 8 часов назад

    Thanks so much for this refresher! Hoping we will het to see this so very important battle in the TV series

  • @AaronGoldsteinv1
    @AaronGoldsteinv1 11 дней назад +2

    This is one of my favorite battles of all time (Helm's Deep, Coruscant, Endgame, etc.) I have reread the series up until this point like 10 times, if the Amazon series makes it this far, this will be fun to watch!

  • @Nishki-v-Sharkata
    @Nishki-v-Sharkata 7 дней назад +1

    Many fans consider this moment to be one of the greatest victories of the Light. When in reality the Dark One won in Dumai's Wells. Robert Jordan is that masterful genius to fool us all.

  • @mlyss22
    @mlyss22 7 дней назад

    This is my favorite battle in the whole Wheel of Time series!!! The Ashaman are RUTHLESS!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!! Rand running around giving Min a piggy back ride😭😭😭

  • @condonsutherland1059
    @condonsutherland1059 11 дней назад +8

    Been waiting for this since they started making Wheel of Time videos 😭

  • @robertkruger5744
    @robertkruger5744 7 дней назад +1

    Dumai’s Wells is my favorite chapter in fiction

  • @pul0y
    @pul0y 5 дней назад

    one of the most striking events both in-world and ours.
    also want to point out that 'having the spark' is a narrower definition. it should only apply to those who will inevitably channel. many taim screens in the farm, like Flynn, don't have the spark at all but could be 'taught' to channel.

  • @danielsantiagourtado3430
    @danielsantiagourtado3430 11 дней назад +3

    Love your content guys! Keep up the good work 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @raymondbadillo179
    @raymondbadillo179 10 дней назад +1

    Imagine if Perrin wasn’t there I can’t imagine anyone else would have noticed a small think like rand leaving a belt .

  • @dassadec
    @dassadec 5 дней назад

    Oh snap dumais wells dropped!

  • @benbutler9282
    @benbutler9282 11 дней назад +1

    thanks for these - I am a long time reader who thinks these books deserve this type of analysis - thanks Wizards and Warriors and thanks Kings and Generals

  • @Var_ar_Vargen
    @Var_ar_Vargen 10 дней назад +1

    11:43 And Galina lived happily ever after.

  • @PurpleOpinionM
    @PurpleOpinionM 11 дней назад +1

    Omg its dumais wells !

  • @robbabcock_
    @robbabcock_ 11 дней назад +1

    I really appreciate this series as I've found Wheel of Time a bit hard to follow/understand, but it's cool!

  • @Charmedsas1
    @Charmedsas1 3 дня назад

    omg wait, i don't remember this, i thought Rand said that he wasn't going to teach anyone, even Taim Baelfire? whaaaaaaatttttt!!!!

  • @kylemoore687
    @kylemoore687 11 дней назад +1

    Love these videos great work guys

  • @benk8718
    @benk8718 4 дня назад


  • @joedivision7148
    @joedivision7148 4 дня назад

    The day of blood and fire.

  • @bigsarge2085
    @bigsarge2085 11 дней назад +2


  • @keshavjha3430
    @keshavjha3430 9 дней назад

    Please do one for the last battle as well 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @bradys_luck6963
    @bradys_luck6963 10 дней назад +1

    is this the same guy from kings and generals

  • @anonymouslyopinionated656
    @anonymouslyopinionated656 10 дней назад +1

    Wait what? Rand did NOT use the True Source here. He undid the knots on the shield.

  • @MagaldiMateus
    @MagaldiMateus 11 дней назад +1

    The fact they tortured the world breaking slowly going mad saviour of the world was one of the points that made me thing the Dark One had a good point.

  • @janvankessel624
    @janvankessel624 11 дней назад +1

    oh thank you so much!

  • @crimsonF4167
    @crimsonF4167 8 дней назад +2

    11:08 Yeah the Amazon series will never let that scene play out, hell no way will they show women kneeling to a man no matter the context.

  • @LeonC0704
    @LeonC0704 10 дней назад +1

    Please continue with the First Law lore

  • @nikosnikos5082
    @nikosnikos5082 10 дней назад


  • @siriusb22
    @siriusb22 10 дней назад +1

    Aiel- I eel
    Cairhien- kyereehen
    The audiobooks are canon pronunciation.

    • @Adam-xo5iq
      @Adam-xo5iq 7 дней назад

      One of my favorite little things in this series was the pronunciation key in the back.

    • @siriusb22
      @siriusb22 7 дней назад +1

      @Adam-xo5iq my adhd was full bore when I discovered it so unfortunately I've only listened to the books

  • @OldieBones
    @OldieBones 11 дней назад +2

    I always hated how Rand created the Black Tower, handed the reins over to Mazrim Taim, and then seemingly forgot to ever check up on it or look into whether Taim was plotting against him.

  • @Number0neSon
    @Number0neSon 11 дней назад +11

    Far better than the Wheel of Time show.

    • @forsaken7976
      @forsaken7976 11 дней назад +2

      💯 The Prophet of the Dragon channel might interest you.

    • @thomasrinschler6783
      @thomasrinschler6783 11 дней назад +6

      Have you watched the first three episodes of Season 3? They're a massive leap in quality over Season 2, which was a massive leap over the mess that was Season 1 due to Covid and Mat's actor just up and leaving one day without telling anyone.

    • @kaladongstormguy
      @kaladongstormguy 11 дней назад

      ​@@thomasrinschler6783 Yeah, season 3 has been a huge improvement so far. It really seems like they're trying to course correct pretty hard. I didn't hate the first two, but season 3 is leaps and bounds better.

    • @forsaken7976
      @forsaken7976 10 дней назад

      @@thomasrinschler6783 season 2 was worse than season 1 and this season is a complete abomination. Rand, Mat, and Perrin are treated as evil, stupid, or cowards. Moiraine and Lanfear work together. Aviendha finger bangs Elayne. There is no redemption for this show. It’s trash.

    • @simply_the_dev7588
      @simply_the_dev7588 5 дней назад

      @@forsaken7976 spoken like a true forsaken...

  • @tay-dor7147
    @tay-dor7147 10 дней назад +2

    Maybe read the glossaries in the back of the books for the correct pronunciation of the various names... Just jarring hearing "Aiel" pronounced like "isle" instead of "Eye-eel"

    • @TheCheffer76
      @TheCheffer76 6 дней назад +1

      I thought I was the only one.

    • @sngyuchao
      @sngyuchao 5 дней назад

      I believe the audio was read by AI with a script thus special pronunciation is probably not possible.

  • @lorriemorrison9975
    @lorriemorrison9975 10 дней назад

    Do final fantasy battles

  • @JosephHarry
    @JosephHarry 6 дней назад

    If the show messes this up they will get destroyed hard

  • @TroyEagan
    @TroyEagan 10 дней назад

    Yes! One of the great moments in the wheel of time

  • @yassinemiri3555
    @yassinemiri3555 11 дней назад

    No more first law videos ? Is the fandom that small ?

    • @dwendelor2896
      @dwendelor2896 11 дней назад +1

      Yup. Nobody cares about wheel of time because it stinks...sorry to burst your bubble, but it's just bad.
      Warhammer >>>>>> Wot

    • @MDP1702
      @MDP1702 11 дней назад

      @@dwendelor2896 He was talking about first law, not WOT. Before denigrating a series, make sure you are talking about the relevant one.

  • @badfoody
    @badfoody 11 дней назад +1

    i'd have loved this before but man i've been spoiled by the Fantasy Flight art and the designs of the Miniatures from the Ice and Fire Tabletop. seeing the show armor looks so bland

  • @dalfein
    @dalfein 10 дней назад

    one of the best scenes in the books!

  • @justinwendt3472
    @justinwendt3472 7 дней назад

    Cairhien -- Kai Ree ehnn

  • @olorin3815
    @olorin3815 11 дней назад +14

    chill out on AI and find someone who knows what they are talking about when writing the script

  • @lorriemorrison9975
    @lorriemorrison9975 10 дней назад

    And destiny with monster hunter world

  • @sithslayer91-v9z
    @sithslayer91-v9z 10 дней назад

    Ashaman... Kill.
    Never have I read a line as cold as that

  • @bigL29
    @bigL29 11 дней назад

    Hell yeah

  • @2hotscot
    @2hotscot 4 дня назад

    Um, could we pronounce more names wrong in one video than this? I don't think one name was correct. lol

  • @Eddieo9999
    @Eddieo9999 11 дней назад

    just rereading myself on dragon reborn cant wait to get here!!

  • @pyeitme508
    @pyeitme508 11 дней назад +1

    Bruh 😅

  • @TheAdunnus
    @TheAdunnus 11 дней назад

    Knell.....or you will be knelt.... badass

  • @forsaken7976
    @forsaken7976 11 дней назад +2

    Much better than the Amazon show. Let’s just hope that they cancel that abomination before we get to this scene.

    • @thomasrinschler6783
      @thomasrinschler6783 11 дней назад +2

      Let's hope they get to this scene, as the awesomeness of Season 3 so far shows!

    • @forsaken7976
      @forsaken7976 10 дней назад +1

      @ Said literally no wheel of time fan ever.

  • @44kryth
    @44kryth 11 дней назад +5

    Maybe chill on the 40k bs. And give us more Wheel of Time! And yes i have read the WoT series many times. I remember when people who played or talked about 40k or any nerdy stuff were bullied. I was there. The Dark Ages. I am glad it's cool to be nerdy these days. You kids are lucky!

  • @dwendelor2896
    @dwendelor2896 11 дней назад +1

    Where's my Warhammer?!

    • @theDarkOneofRomania
      @theDarkOneofRomania 11 дней назад +1

      Kind of boring series, stupid plot armor 🤣

    • @dwendelor2896
      @dwendelor2896 9 дней назад +1

      Oh and you think WoT is better? 😂😂
      Literally saved dozens of time by unspecified soft magic 😂😂😂😂😂😂
      At least Warhammer looks cool and has cool names, unlike generic "Rand, Lan and Bran"! Lol!

  • @wolfbane7497
    @wolfbane7497 11 дней назад +1

    The battle 😂😂😂😂😂😂 nah my man you need to rename this. To the time the Aiel and aes saide got there pockets ran. Or the massacre of the the Aiel.